My friend Michael believes that once an idea is uttered, it goes out into the world, and other people pick up on it. Kind of a group conciousness meets invention type ideal. I think maybe on some levels he is right. I've been working on these two pieces on and off since before the christmas journey. The turqouis dress is made of many many tiny feather shapes. It has taken hours and hours, but been meditative and very satisfying to work on. I wish I could make myself a dress like this to wear. I would feel so fancy.I've also been using a lot of peacock imagery, which for many cultures is a symbol of freedom and good luck. And then you have the sparrows, which I have written about before. Birds are one of those symbols that I feel will never become cliche. And Like my compass shapes, I am starting to see peacock feathers everywhere.
My friend Christine over at DuBuhDu Designs has birds on the brain as well, manifesting in these beautifully delicate little masks for her handmade dolls to wear. I adore them. If I can't make myself a dress of turquoise feathers, maybe one day I can have Christine make me a life size mask to wear. I would wear it driving around town, and cleaning up the airstream (my sisters friend Julie used to wear her tiara while cleaning and it made her feel fabulous, I think it is a grand idea).
I would love to wear a tiara. I made a crown for Mark's aunt this summer and I wore it when no one was around. Lately I've been wearing a head band..that's as close as I get. I wish I was bold enough to do that sorta thing.I'll make you a mask..just you wait!! Thanks for the mention!Let me know when the chair is finished as I would like to see it in person:)
and yes, birds are on lots of minds...
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