Saturday, March 29, 2008


Final Savasana, Yesterday afternoon. Been kinda letting this one incubate, not sure which direction it would go, when WaahLaaa. "Of course, that's exactly what I should do." (I'm not gonna tell you what yet. It's more fun as a mystery) It involves lots more cutting and pasting. Lots. But I am excited to have a direction for this one, it makes the work a lot speedier.

Now, final savasana is supposed to be a relaxing few minutes where you are to clear your head. Dead Body Pose. Absorbing the benefit of the yoga practice, rejuvenating oneself, reanimating. While it makes sense that this is often where ideas reveal themselves (my brain is finally quiet enough to listen, I suppose) it is kind of a distraction to be struck with solutions at that moment. I find myself wanting to say out loud "well Duh," then jump up and run off to the studio to get to work. Yoga seems to not only get my physical energy moving, but my creative energy as well.

If you haven't checked out any of my links lately- take a moment to go look at Du Buh Du. I am just in love with her latest set of girls, mainly because they are painting class dolls- and So fashionable. I wish I was as cute back in Painting 1(and painted this well) instead of wearing grubby jeans and paint splattered tee shirts.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hehe..I know..I'm wearing grubby jeans and a black paint stained cutesy here!
I like your new painting (the brunette with green shards in the background..lots of energy while she stands strong and serene.
We'll see you Friday at Thump!!