Our first day in SanFran, we decided to walk from our Hotel at Union Square to the Golden Gate Park. We didn't realize it was a ton of blocks. We wandered around quite a bit, and stopped to rest in this tiny garden.
James, aka Sequesto, aka Boot, represented the hometown with his Bend Roots Shirt. Besides being on our feet most of the day, we realized quickly that the weather changes in San Fransisco by the street block. The Garden was out of the wind for a moment, but the fog began to role in as we approached the park.
The design of the festival was pretty spectacular. The Six different stages were each designed by different artists- This one (for the Sutro stage) was designed by Matt Leines.
We kicked it off with The Cold War Kids- whose short but attention grabbing forty minute set got us quite excited for the rest of the festival.
I can't even begin to describe the scale of this event. This is a slice of the crowd we stood in before Radiohead on Friday Night. And this is just the first day.
More Soon. Laundry is waiting.
sweet. more please.
Hi Owl!!! xo
Hotel in Union Square? The Source put you up at the St. Francis?!?lol Good lord that's a walk! I use to take the train to SF and walk all over but from Union Square to the GG Park is a long one. At least you got to see some of the city. I've only seen one concert at the park (Morrissey who was a no-show).
Did you get a chance to see the Frida show at MOMA? Look forward to hearing more:)
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