The last eight years I have been a total grump about our country. I admit it. My attitude was quite lacking. I felt hopeless. I felt angry. I felt unpatriotic. I felt my voice of dissent was tiny and muffled and meaningless. I remember hearing Neil Young sing about a leader that could change the course we were on- "Maybe it's Barack Obama, But they say that he's too young." But, as the small spark of hope started to grow, as his momentum shifted, my attitude shifted. It's good to be hopeful. And while it kinda became a joke with our friends that Obama was all we talked about for the last three years or so- and what will we talk about now- I am happy to say- The Rest is History.
And so, on this pre-Innaguration day- I am accepting the challenge that our new president has offered- I am renewing my pledge to be the Change I want to see in the world with enthusiam and vigor. And this is how-
- I pledge to keep the paths I walk and ride on litter free.
- I pledge to be kinder to the people I love, as well as the people I am not sure I love.
- I pledge to be a listening ear.
- I pledge to ride my bike or walk as much as I possibly can- and lower my weekly miles to under 50 a week as weather permits. I also pledge to car pool as much as possible.
- I pledge to Support my husbands endeavors in the National Guard (though I will not trade my warhurts shirt for anything with eagles or flags)
- I pledge to unplug lights, conserve energy, and use up all the food I purchase.
- I pledge to remain positive, empathetic, and hopeful. To love my neighbors and my enemies.
and I pledge to be there for you always. sasa
and I pledge to be there for you always. sb
I pledge unfailing love to you always!
and I am here also. far
I appreciate these pledges- but aren't you gonna pledge an act of community service or something?
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