Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mean Mister Monson (just kidding, he's anything but mean)

Besides steadily covering large canvases with oranges and earthy greens, I've been conversing with my artist friend and studio neighbor, Tom.  I had initially done an interview with him in early February, but the profile just hit the stands this week... his work is rad.  And he's one of the nicest guys on the planet.

Tom grew up in Minnesota, but he also lived in East Tennessee for a short while.  We enjoy talking about Dollywood.  

One of my favorite of pieces of Mr. Monson's, and I hope I have a photo of it somewhere- is a self portrait.  It's tiny, and painted on a square plaque.  It is basically a bright aqua background surrounding a simply drawn octopus.  The quiet charecter wears a red scarf, grey baseball cap, and a bandage around one of it's eight arms.  It is covered in a layer of resin, so it has a shiny preciousness to it.  It's a comforting little piece, and it makes me smile.  

I really enjoy being surrounded by so many talented and giving souls.  I don't think I say that enough.

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