full pigeon, my absolute favorite.
Last Saturday, I competed in the Oregon Hatha Yoga Championships. Competition and Yoga? Sounds odd, I know. I trained to compete last year, but didn't end up going as I was out of town. This year, I started working on the routine of seven poses in late October. About twelve people from the Bend Bikram Yoga studio practiced intensely for the last two months, and each of us deepened our practice in incredible ways. One of our teachers, Delana Miller, came in third place at the competition. I don't know my score, or how I placed among the almost fifty other women, but the rewards of focusing so much on my practice and sharing that with some amazingly supportive and dedicated people was what made being on a cold stage for three minutes in a leotard in front of about a hundred people worth it.
standing bow and bow
upward stretching
this is incredible, kayc- beautiful!!!
Well, even if the stage was cold, you look hot and amazing! sasa
you NEVER cease to amaze me....
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