Thursday, May 2, 2013

Greetings and Salutations

Just put up in my etsy store two sets of cards for your letter writing pleasure!
Help save the postal service!

What is the best thing you have ever received in the mail?  Tell me about it and I may choose you, one lucky reader, to get a free set of ALL the cards shown above.  I love a good story.  But you have to leave a comment.  I will let you know who wins on Mother's Day.  


Anonymous said...

Nice! I'm in. I know this story about a boy and a girl who lived on opposite sides of the world. In a world of intangible digital love. A card can touch what 0011001111 can't, the heart.

Anonymous said...

I realize I didn't say what I received in the mail...(previous post) A steady supply of coffee that warmed the body and cards that warmed the soul.

Anonymous said...

Well, that is a hard question. Once, without actually paying for them, I received a $214 pair of shoes I had coveted for years...because a mistake was made. Unfortunately, they were not my size. I have also received many a beautiful love letter, but only from my dear women friends, and not ever one from my lover. Which in no way dampens the effect. It just makes it different. A few years ago a friend in Sweden sent me a bag of Swedish candy. Now that was awesome. It must be noted that I do not want to win this contest, rather I want you to know I read your blog because you write something that matters to me. Now I shall bring you cashola for a FULL set of cards. Merci! xx

Anonymous said...

Not for consideration but I can still,in my mind, taste a chocolot cake from a very dear person.

Anonymous said...

I guess I'd have to say divorce papers. You might not think that awesome; but a very negative thing turned into a wonderfully positive one with the births of two magical daughters after I reconnected with someone from my past. Incidentally, I'd rather buy your cards than win them!

kaycee said...

alright now, folks. I enjoy your stories- but somebody has to win! Keep em comin' (also- How am I gonna contact you if you are anonymouses?)

Anonymous said...

It was her first time in the United States. Once her time was up and she was back home in Germany, the young American boy stole a large street sign with her name on it. He spray painted the enormous, used box he found behind a grocery store her favorite color, placed the heavy sign inside, and mailed her the package. It was the early nineties, and they had just fallen in love for the first time.