I wrote the story, with some editing help from Al, and thought, that was cool... Suddenly, it became the cover story. (Unfortunately, The Source doesn't publish it's main course online- but I have several copies left for prosperity. If it weren't on newsprint and so apt to fade, I would do a collage. The aforementioned review is also not online for some odd reason, though I swear on a stack of Okkervil River Cd's that I am telling the truth. ) Kelty even has a cameo in one of the photographs depicting how funky and cool the inside is. The photographer and artist director, Elise, took several shots and Kelty posed for most of them. It was, for a self proclaimed hermit, an interesting and edge pushing experience. And to walk by newsstands and see my house- kinda trippy.
This one little review has lead to a 600 word cover story, a six hundred word story on Hooping that comes out this week, future CD reviews, and my collages being used as cover art this spring. Things are looking interesting for our little artist. Or, our little freelancer. No, artist.
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