Yesterday afternoon, I paid a visit to my friend/yoga instructor Tricia as she was adding the first coat of paint on the walls of the new studio she is opening in Redmond. I am completely honored in that she would like to hang some of my art on the walls. I have been inspired to pick up the brush again and started on the first piece last night. Here is the progress so far. If I was a computer guru, I would do some kind of snazzy time delay montage so the progress would look more fancy, but that would take time away from the painting...
Last week, I also brushed up the door of Lone Pine down in Tin Pan Alley...
It was a sunny day, little chilly, but nice enough to enjoy the most wonderful Cold Press Iced Coffee after I was done. Scott named it the Bengali I believe-and it is like a chai meets the most delicately balanced iced coffee. I highly recomend it...
Special shout out to mom and dad for the canvas and paint.
I am glad to see you've had brush in hand--was hoping that's why we hadn't heard from you! Can't wait to see what else you're doing! Check out's our teach. Love sasa
PS Kevin is taking a yoga class but he doesn't know the names of any of the poses (?)yet!
Aold old song comes to mind. "What goes on behind the Green Door?
All looke like it is going good!
Very cool Kaycee..your painting is soothing and it's nice to think so many people will see it or be focusing on it throughout the day:)
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