Monday, March 17, 2008

A stitch in Time

Sundays usually consist of either a hike or some kind of outdoor endeavor. Yesterday, after a nine am yoga class, Al and I decided to mellow out a bit. I had called my dear Heather friend in Tennessee the day before for her advice on begining to knit a cap, and really wanted to get going on it. Now, improvisation really works well in things like jazz, and in Al's case cooking (while I was knitting he was improvising a delicious curry). Improvisation doesn't work so well when knitting. I realized that my project was more leprechaun sized than husband sized. Oops.

The only local midgit at my disposal was Kelty.

She looks very happy, No? Well at least she won't get pinched today. Happy St. Patrick's Day!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol- love the kelty hat :P

you owe me two more posts..