Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Art for India and Elevate

As I mentioned Last Week- The first weekend in August was an extravaganza of creativity. The Art for India Painting Party (check out the link for more pictures) on Friday night was a blast...

Notice the bird pattern, and Cameron Mills awesome outfit

Someone painted my portrait! (the rad ninja warrior)

Sarah Hubbard goin fishin.

Detail of the Birds

Sean Anderson Workin Hard

Our Weapons of Choice

Saturday shone bright for the Elevate Underground Art and Music Festival. Troy Field next to McMenamen's held numerous clothing, art, and miscellanea booths- including one for the artists of the PoetHouse. I proudly sold one of my art cards, paying for 1/3 of my burrito at lunch. It was yummy.

The Booth, When the Wind was calm

One of Nolan's (from Rise Up) rad Mirrors.

I had a bit of time to paint during the festivities. Before the painting party I hadn't picked up a paintbrush in a while, too busy with scissors... hopefully I will finish this one soon...

1 comment:

Dan and Rachel Williamson said...

Are you the 5th beatle? Thank you for your phone call Friday, I wish I had been here to answer (sigh).