Tuesday, February 2, 2010

B Positiv

Jo Lundberg's original oil on canvas was the B Positv signature piece this year.

For the sixth year in a row, McMenamin's Old St. Frances School hosted the B Positiv Art Auction on Saturday night.   B Positiv is a foundation that was created in support of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation in honor and memory of Hannah Pite- daughter of Poet House Friend Danny Pite, whose blood type changed from A to B positive after treatment for a rare form of cancer.  This year, Jo designed the poster piece for the event.  I contributed a piece for the second year in a row.  I'm not sure if results are in for the amount raised (upward of 8000 total I believe), but I was honored that my friend and Yoga instructor Molly bid on and won my piece.

Lori, Adina and Jo

person, tree, house- now owned by ms. molly clark.

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